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Showing 19–30 of 30 results


Palm pods

CeramicNature Catappa leaves 10x

Catappa leaves M 5x

Size Catappa M leaves: 15-20cm


Savu pods

Savu pods Afmeting Inhoud: 1 Savu pods kent het dezelfde


Buddha pods


Sororoca flower

De Sororoca flower is een gedroogde zaaddrager. Voordelen: De Sororoca


Sapucaia pods XL


Chapeuzinho pods


Lotus pods XXL

Lotus XXL Afmeting Inhoud: 1 De lotus is grote variant

Apple wood schuilplaats

Apple wood cave is een stevige kleine schuilplaats voor de

Xaxim panel 50x20cm

Xaxim Afmeting: 50x20cm Xaxim panelen zijn wanden die de natuurlijk

Sale! Display EN Nature4Pets

Display Nature4Pets

Free display with explanations for the natural products. Available in


Kokosnoot cave rond

Perfecte schuilplaats voor aquaria, kleine knaagdieren, reptielen en amfibieën. Kokosnoten

Nature products

The highest quality natural products for every aquarium – Catappa, guava, mulberry leaves, etc. – Worldwide distribution – Available in more than 250 partner shops.

We offer a complete range of natural products.

Nature products from our range are imported from all over the world. Before they are brought on the market, we test them extensively.

Catappa leaves reduce the ph, have an antibacterial effect, give the aquarium a natural look, strengthen the colors of fish and shrimp, reduce stress, and work preventively against diseases in the aquarium.

Our mulberry leaves are ideal as supplementary food for freshwater shrimp and other invertebrates in the aquarium. These mulberry leaves are organically grown and air-dried. Because of this way of drying, all nutrients remain in the leaf.

Guava leaves have an antibacterial effect against worms, infections and bacteria that cause disease.

It is of great importance to us, together with our partners, to get the most out of our products and services. That is why tips and ideas are welcome at all times.

We supply our products for breeding equipment directly to stores, chains and in Denmark and Great Britain we use wholesalers. Akudim distributes our products in Denmark and J&K Aquatics and Monkfield Nutrition distribute our products in Great Britain.

Are you a private person? Please take a look at our store locator to find a store in your area.

“Teamwork is the key to succes”